CoVid-19 Pandemic Fashion: the Non-Medical Face Mask

Pandemic Fashion feature photo |

Having my parents nearby is one of my greatest blessings.

As more information becomes available on CoVid-19, it’s becoming clear the most vulnerable in our population are those with the greatest amount life experience and those with certain pre-existing medical conditions.

Therefore I’m worried about my parents and my husband and me and my kids.

And certain friends.

We All Want to Do Something

Every human wants to do something to feel a tiny bit more in control in uncertain times.

The United States’ Center for Disease Control says the “best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus”, so let’s do that.

At some point, we’re all going to need to leave the house. In addition to washing our hands often, avoiding close contact, covering coughs and sneezes, and disinfecting like a mofo, we can lessen our exposure by wearing reusable, cloth face masks.

This graphic is borrowed from the CDC website. Click it to read other tips.

Still, there are people who are scornful and dishing bad juju toward those of us wanting to make and wear face masks. I’ve already lost my job to help flatten the curve of the spread of this coronavirus, so to them I say bite me. Rather than give naysayers my sense of doing something, I believe I’ll join my sewing sisters and make non-medical face masks for the people I love (mentioned above).

And I’ll remind them to wash their face masks in hot water after they use them to kill any germs the masks may have collected while out in the world.

Three Benefits to Wearing a Cloth Face Mask

I spent minutes researching on Facebook* and discovered these three benefits to wearing cloth face mask when out in public (besides being pandemic fashion forward and cute).

*I double checked with the CDC to make sure my list is right and it is.

3 benefits to wearing a cloth face mask in public during the CoVid-19 pandemic Infographic |

1. Inhibits spread of YOUR germs. It helps you keep your germs to yourself. Do not expect a homemade cloth face mask to guard you from other people’s germs.

2. Keeps you from touching your nose and mouth. CoVid-19 is a respiratory virus. Your nose and mouth are portals to contracting the disease. Having a snazzy cloth barrier is a tactile reminder to quit touching your face!

3. Clues others to practice Social Distancing. One of the most important prevention techniques we have is not standing too close to people outside of our households. Allow your cloth face mask to politely remind others to stay out of your bubble.

I’ll be sharing these benefits with my folks and expect polite acknowledgement of what I’m saying; followed by a conversation between them (after we hang up the phone) about how I’m overreacting. They are, after all, from the Silent Generation.

Read an Excerpt of AZURE, The Color Book Mysteries, Book One |

Worldwide Pandemic Fashion Statement

So, this is something I can do.

Fashion cloth face masks from the stockpile of 100% cotton fabric this seldom seamstress has collected over time. Arm my loved ones with colorful, breathable masks for when we must leave the comfort of our homes to shop for food and whatnot. And continue to pray for those most affected by the pandemic.

Be safe, my friends. And fashionable.